Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Very, very brief update

I am primarily updating this to say a special thanks to my mom for calling the courthouse in Martinsville and finding out that she could get our marriage certificate for us. And an even bigger thank you for sending us a couple copies of it!

There isn't anything new to report. We're still filling out paperwork and still have to go and get fingerprinted. I think that Kris and I may need to take some schedule time off work to ensure that we get all of that taken care of; otherwise we'll be looking at our training in October and have nothing completed. Except those marriage certificates! Thanks again Mom and Dad!

Please continue praying for us as we approach the training in October.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Official Date

I got a call this morning from the Missouri Baptist Children's Home. It's official. Our class for foster parenting training begins on October 20th. I don't know why it got pushed back so far, as I thought they started a new class each month, but that's OK. It gives us a little more time to get our fingerprints, background checks and get back to Indiana to get a copy of our marriage license. I don't know many details, but the class will be every Tuesday night, 6:30-9:30pm, for 10 weeks. If you are in the St. Louis area and would be interested in taking a Tuesday to watch our wonderful children (for free), please let me know.